My Reflection in Intervention LEACHEs
Being a Science Teacher is a very challenging task. The conduct
of this action research brought a lot of realizations on my part. I have
learned many things about myself as a teacher, both from proper execution as
well as putting my heart in teaching the subject. I feel confident at this
point that I am capable of successfully mentoring Grade Six pupils. I have
acquired useful teaching skills, many of which came directly from the
day-to-day dealings with my pupils. It is not just about teaching the concepts
but letting them learn and love Science in different ways. To appreciate their
improvised material and dealing with the techniques to solve academic
performance problems to name a few.
The most surprising thing I
learned during the duration of this study is how far I have come in my teaching
abilities and how effective I am as their Science mentor and adviser. At first,
I was hesitant to continue working with the action research proposal. Now I can
see clearly the reason why there is a need to reach them out through action
research. I have learned to know deeply my pupils’ capacity to gauge
comprehension. The learners were able to dynamically interact with each other
in both formal discussion as well as group dynamics.
Based on what I observed, I
consider my pupils as one of my teaching strengths. Their thirst with daily
activities drove the class to strive harder in targeting the class expectation.
Such expectation is to increase their performance through written tests and
performance. I feel I am fortunate that my superiors inspire me to pursue the
provision of materials needed, observe time management and indulge with
parents’ cooperation. A somewhat unique experience that I had is when a pupil
did not understand a concept, I let them find a fun challenge to get the right
analogy or example that finally let them come up with the correct answers. The
intervention LEACHes (Learn Concepts through Hands on Experiences) was very
helpful for my slow learners.
It is true that Science, among Grade Six
subjects, was once considered as a boring one. Since, an action research was
applied by the class, it has been realized that there is fun in Science. As for
me, I became an instrument for them to learn the concepts and love Science even